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Week of 4/19/2020: Giving Back!

Emily Woodmansee

Updated: Apr 27, 2020

This week we celebrate Earth Day and give back to our nature neighborhoods! Earth Day is one of my favorite days to celebrate at school, and we can celebrate from home as well. Please share the different ways you celebrate Earth Day by emailing or sharing to Among the Ferns on Facebook!

Bug Hotel!

Let's create a bug hotel for our yards and observe the different critters that move in! We can do this using only natural materials and little bit of recycling.

** Want to try to identify your New Hampshire bug? Visit NHBugs and see if you can figure out who visited your hotel!

For the Birds!

Birds are back and filling the air with their songs and calls. If you love bird watching as much as I do then you'll want to help birds out this season. Let's gather some natural bird seed and see what the birds prefer!

Virtual Nature Walk

Join me for a nature walk in my backyard! I love taking wander walks and letting my curiosity drive my exploration.

What else can you do to celebrate Earth Day?

Earth Day is Wednesday, April 22nd but you can celebrate all week long! Here are some great ideas to help kick-start your fun as you celebrate our amazing Mother Earth:

** Do a neighborhood trash clean up! Be sure to bring gloves (gardening gloves work just fine), a trash bag, and talk to your littles about the importance of keeping Mother Earth clean.

** Read a book outside as a family! There are tons of great nature-inspired books to check out and I'll be reading one on the YouTube channel this week.

** Create seed grenades and spread beauty in your neighborhood. Learn how to make them from Run Wild My Child.

**Go on a scavenger hunt! You can find a couple of options here.

** Start a sit spot! Sit spots are special places in nature that you visit daily or weekly to tune in, practice awareness, and get to know the critters in and around your spot. Stay tuned for a sit spot video sometime this week!


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